Author: Vining, Susan

Related Proposal for Doctoral Degree: Stephen Hesler

Structural Biology, Biochemistry and Biophysics

Department of Molecular and Cell Biology

University of Connecticut Announces the

Related Proposal for the Doctoral Degree
Stephen Hesler, B.S. Lehigh University, 2011

Reevaluating the Activation Model of PKR

Thursday, October 31, 2019


PBB 129


Major Advisor: Dr. James L. Cole

Associate Advisor: Dr. Carolyn Teschke

Associate Advisor: Dr. Victoria Robinson

Associate Advisor: Dr. Eric May

Associate Advisor: Dr. Debra Kendall

Prof. Eric May and Postdoc Shivangi Nangia will use supercomputer for biomolecular simulations

Prof. Eric May and postdoc Shivangi Nangia will investigate virus infection mechanisms on world’s Fastest supercomputer for biomolecular simulations. Drs. May and Nangia have received an allocation on the Anton2 supercomputer donated to the Pittsburg Supercomputing Center by D.E. Shaw Research. The allocation was granted based upon a competitive application process which involved peer review by a panel convened by the National Research Council. The allocation will allow them to analyze viral protein-membrane interactions over  timescales which are not feasible on standard supercomputing environments. 

NESS 2016

The North East Structural Symposium will be held on October 14 at the UCONN Health campus. The topic is “New Paradigms in Drug Discovery.”  For a list of speakers and registration information follow the NESS link at the bottom of the page.

New publication from the Teschke lab

Wu W, Leavitt JC, Cheng N, Gilcrease EB, Motwani T, Teschke CM, Casjens SR, Steven AC. (2016) Localization of the Houdinisome (Ejection Proteins) inside the Bacteriophage P22 Virion by Bubblegram Imaging. MBio.  7(4). pii: e01152-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01152-16.

Schrodinger Software Suite

UCONN has entered into a three-year agreement with Schrodinger, Inc. to provide unlimited use of their Suite for Molecular and Materials Simulations. The package can be used for drug discovery, atomic-scale simulations, modeling of biologics, and production of molecular graphics. 

Instructions on how to access the software can be found at:

New grant to Eric May

Congratulations to Eric May, who was  awarded an NIH R35 MIRA grant for early-stage investigators. The title is “Structural Dynamics of Viral Proteins: Computational Investigation of Capsids, Lytic Peptides and Nucleoproteins Under Varying Conditions.”

MCB summer fellowships

Congratulations to the SB3 graduate and undergraduate recipients of MCB summer 2016 fellowships: Murugappan Sathappa (Alder lab), Crain Fellowship; Kunica Asija (Teschke lab) and Nathan Sanford (Robinson lab), Lucas-Lenard Fellowships; and Adrian Coscia (Alder lab), Schuster Award.