Month: August 2016

New publication from the Teschke lab

Wu W, Leavitt JC, Cheng N, Gilcrease EB, Motwani T, Teschke CM, Casjens SR, Steven AC. (2016) Localization of the Houdinisome (Ejection Proteins) inside the Bacteriophage P22 Virion by Bubblegram Imaging. MBio.  7(4). pii: e01152-16. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01152-16.

Schrodinger Software Suite

UCONN has entered into a three-year agreement with Schrodinger, Inc. to provide unlimited use of their Suite for Molecular and Materials Simulations. The package can be used for drug discovery, atomic-scale simulations, modeling of biologics, and production of molecular graphics. 

Instructions on how to access the software can be found at: